The extent and nature of recent infrastructure investment activity and extent of private sector involvement over the last five years, relative to the size of the economy.
High levels of recent infrastructure activity and a high value of recent infrastructure deals that involve private and foreign investment. Some countries may prefer public investment over private investment in infrastructure. This is a societal choice and should not be assumed as a negative
Private Participation in Infrastructure Report (World Bank)
Case Studies on Leveraging Private Investment for Infrastructure (OECD)
OECD Principles for Private Investment in Infrastructure (OECD)
Infrastructure investment
Total economic infrastructure expenditure, based on government and multi-lateral development agency estimates.
Sufficient investment in infrastructure is needed to cater for the population and for economic growth. For countries with a large infrastructure gap between needs and current infrastructure stock, higher levels of investment are required to close the gap.
Value of closed PPP infrastructure deals
Financial close value of privately financed PPP infrastructure.
The value of closed infrastructure deals reflects the scale of infrastructure investment available in a country as well as the amount investors are comfortable investing. The track record of financial closes for PPPs is an indicator of whether the government has the right conditions and systems to attract private investment in PPPs.
Private infrastructure investment
Financial close value of privately financed economic infrastructure.
The degree of investment of private finance reflects the willingness and ability of the private sector to invest in a country's infrastructure sector. The track record of financial closes is an indicator of whether the market has the right conditions to attract private investment.
Value of close infrastructure deals with foreign equity sponsorship
Financial close value of privately financed infrastructure transactions with equity from foreign investors (excludes refinancing transactions).
Indicates the scale of infrastructure investment opportunities available for foreign investors. It also indicates the degree of foreign investment required in the local market to meet the capital costs of infrastructure projects. The greater the foreign investment in a country, the greater the supply of foreign capital and competition for infrastructure investments, potentially bringing down financing costs.
Total economic infrastructure expenditure, based on government and multi-lateral development agency estimates.
Sufficient investment in infrastructure is needed to cater for the population and for economic growth. For countries with a large infrastructure gap between needs and current infrastructure stock, higher levels of investment are required to close the gap.
Financial close value of privately financed PPP infrastructure.
The value of closed infrastructure deals reflects the scale of infrastructure investment available in a country as well as the amount investors are comfortable investing. The track record of financial closes for PPPs is an indicator of whether the government has the right conditions and systems to attract private investment in PPPs.
Financial close value of privately financed economic infrastructure.
The degree of investment of private finance reflects the willingness and ability of the private sector to invest in a country's infrastructure sector. The track record of financial closes is an indicator of whether the market has the right conditions to attract private investment.
Financial close value of privately financed infrastructure transactions with equity from foreign investors (excludes refinancing transactions).
Indicates the scale of infrastructure investment opportunities available for foreign investors. It also indicates the degree of foreign investment required in the local market to meet the capital costs of infrastructure projects. The greater the foreign investment in a country, the greater the supply of foreign capital and competition for infrastructure investments, potentially bringing down financing costs.